Antminer S9 Review: Is It Still Worth It? (2024)

The Antminer S9, once the crown jewel of the Bitcoin mining world, has proven to be a resilient piece of hardware. Manufactured by Bitmain, this ASIC miner was the go-to solution for Bitcoin miners from 2016 to 2018. While newer models have since taken the spotlight, the S9 remains a reliable entry point for those looking to explore the world of Bitcoin mining.

As the Bitcoin mining landscape evolves, it's crucial for miners to stay updated on the most efficient and cost-effective hardware options. This review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the Antminer S9, examining its performance, efficiency, and potential for profitability. Whether you're a seasoned miner or a newcomer to the field, understanding the capabilities and limitations of the Antminer S9 can help you make informed decisions.

At D-Central Technologies, we're not just another vendor; we're your comprehensive Bitcoin mining partner. As Canada's premier ASIC repair center, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Our reputation as the most trusted refurbished hardware reseller in Canada is a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We encourage the use of VNish or BraiinsOS firmware to maximize the efficiency of your Antminer S9, and our team is always available to guide you through the optimization process.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the Antminer S9, providing you with all the information you need to harness its full potential. For more on what makes us a leader in the Bitcoin mining industry, visit our website.

What is the Antminer S9?

The Antminer S9 was the epitome of efficiency and profitability when it was launched in 2016. During its prime years, from 2016 to 2018, it was the most powerful ASIC miner available, boasting a hashrate of around 14 TH/s. It quickly became the miner of choice for both individual miners and large-scale mining operations. Its robust performance and relatively low power consumption set new standards in the Bitcoin mining industry.

Current Status: An Entry-Level ASIC

Fast forward to today, and the Antminer S9 has transitioned from being the industry standard to an entry-level option. While it may not offer the same level of profitability as some of the newer models, it remains a viable choice for those looking to dip their toes into the world of Bitcoin mining. Its lower price point and availability on the secondary market make it accessible for beginners and those operating on a smaller scale.

Repurposing into Bitcoin Mining Heaters

One of the most innovative uses of the Antminer S9 in today's context is its repurposing into a Bitcoin mining heater. At D-Central Technologies, we are strong advocates of dual-purpose mining. By converting the heat generated during the mining process into a heating solution, you can achieve a level of energy efficiency that is truly remarkable. This not only makes the S9 an environmentally friendly option but also adds a practical dimension to your mining activities.

At D-Central, we often recommend the use of VNish or BraiinsOS firmware to maximize the efficiency of your Antminer S9, whether you're using it for mining or as a heater. Our team of experts is always on hand to guide you through the setup and optimization process, ensuring that you get the most out of your hardware.


The Antminer S9 is built to last, featuring three circuit boards with a total of 189 ASIC chips. These chips are the heart of the machine, responsible for the number-crunching that ultimately results in Bitcoin mining. The unit also comes with dual fans for cooling, ensuring that the hardware remains at an optimal temperature during operation. At D-Central Technologies, we offer maintenance training and comprehensive mining support to help you keep your Antminer S9 in peak condition.

Hashrate and Power Consumption

When it comes to hashrate, the Antminer S9 offers a solid 14 TH/s, making it a formidable miner in its prime. However, it's essential to consider the power consumption, which stands at around 1375W. While this was considered efficient a few years ago, newer models have surpassed the S9 in terms of energy efficiency. That said, with the right firmware like VNish or BraiinsOS, you can optimize the S9's performance to get the most out of your electricity costs.

Comparison with Newer Models

The Antminer S9 has been succeeded by models like the S15 and S19, which offer significantly higher hashrates and better energy efficiency. For instance, the Antminer S19 Pro boasts a hashrate of 110 TH/s with a power consumption of around 3250W. While the S9 may not compete directly with these newer models in terms of raw performance, it holds its own as an entry-level miner or when repurposed as a Bitcoin mining heater.

At D-Central Technologies, we understand that choosing the right mining hardware is a critical decision. That's why we offer consultation services to help you weigh the pros and cons and make an informed choice. Our reputation as Canada's most trusted refurbished hardware reseller is built on our commitment to providing quality products and expert advice.

Optimizing Antminer S9 with VNish or BraiinsOS

When it comes to optimizing the Antminer S9, two firmware options stand out: VNish and BraiinsOS. VNish is known for its user-friendly interface and advanced tuning options, while BraiinsOS offers an open-source alternative that prioritizes transparency and customization. Both firmware options are designed to maximize the efficiency and performance of your Antminer S9, making them excellent choices for both novice and experienced miners.

Steps to Install and Configure

  1. VNish Installation:Download the VNish firmware from the official website.Access your Antminer S9's control panel and navigate to the "System" tab.Choose "Upgrade" and upload the VNish firmware file.Reboot the miner to complete the installation.
  2. BraiinsOS Installation:Download the BraiinsOS image file from the official Braiins website.Use software like Etcher to flash the image onto an SD card.Insert the SD card into your Antminer S9 and power it up.Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Benefits of Using These Firmware for Efficiency

Both VNish and BraiinsOS offer a range of features aimed at improving the Antminer S9's efficiency. These include:

  • Overclocking capabilities for higher hashrates
  • Voltage control for better power efficiency
  • Advanced fan control for optimal cooling
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts

D-Central's Expertise in Maximizing ASIC Efficiency

At D-Central Technologies, we have a proven track record of helping our clients maximize the efficiency of their ASIC miners. Our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of VNish and BraiinsOS firmware, and we offer comprehensive support to guide you through the installation and optimization process. Our goal is to ensure that you get the most out of your Antminer S9, whether you're using it for mining or as a dual-purpose Bitcoin mining heater.

For more expert advice and support, visit our website, where we offer a wealth of resources and services to help you succeed in the Bitcoin mining industry.

Setting Up the Antminer S9

The first step in setting up your Antminer S9 is, of course, unboxing it. Inside the box, you'll find the Antminer S9 unit, a power supply, and connecting cables. Make sure to handle the unit carefully to avoid damaging any of its components. Place it in a well-ventilated area to ensure adequate cooling during operation. Connect the power supply to the unit and plug it into an electrical outlet. Once everything is connected, power up the unit to initiate the boot-up process.

Connecting to a Mining Pool

After your Antminer S9 has booted up, the next step is to connect it to a mining pool. To do this:

  1. Access the miner's control panel via its IP address using a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the 'Miner Configuration' tab.
  3. Enter the details of your chosen mining pool, including the URL, worker name, and password.
  4. Save the settings and restart the miner to apply them.

At D-Central Technologies, we offer consultation services to help you choose the best mining pool based on your specific needs and goals.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most reliable hardware can encounter issues, and the Antminer S9 is no exception. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Miner Not Starting: Ensure that all cables are securely connected and that the power supply is functioning correctly.
  • Low Hashrate: This could be due to overheating. Make sure the miner is well-ventilated and consider using VNish or BraiinsOS for better fan control.
  • Connection Issues: Double-check your network settings and mining pool details. A simple reboot can often resolve connectivity problems.

At D-Central, we offer comprehensive mining support and maintenance training to help you troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Our team of experts is always available to provide timely and effective solutions.

Performance Metrics

The Antminer S9's real-world performance data serves as a crucial benchmark for miners. With an average hashrate of around 14 TH/s and a power consumption of approximately 1375W, it's essential to understand how these figures translate into real-world efficiency and profitability.

Efficiency Metrics

In the realm of Bitcoin mining, efficiency is often gauged in terms of Watts per Terahash (W/TH). The Antminer S9 clocks in at about 98 W/TH, a respectable figure that can be further optimized for better performance. While many might consider overclocking to boost the hashrate, at D-Central Technologies, we focus on energy efficiency, advocating for undervolting and underclocking the unit to achieve better W/TH ratios.

D-Central's Insights on Performance Optimization

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Our expertise at D-Central Technologies is rooted in maximizing the energy efficiency of ASIC miners like the Antminer S9. Here are some tailored insights for optimizing your unit:

  • Undervolting: By reducing the voltage supplied to the ASIC chips, you can significantly lower power consumption without a drastic drop in hashrate.
  • Underclocking: Lowering the clock speed can also contribute to reduced power usage, making your mining operation more energy-efficient.
  • Firmware Optimization: Utilizing firmware like VNish or BraiinsOS can help you easily manage undervolting and underclocking settings, thereby enhancing energy efficiency.

By focusing on these energy-efficient practices, you can achieve a more sustainable and cost-effective mining operation. Our team of experts at D-Central is always available to guide you through these optimization processes.

Profitability Analysis

Return on Investment (ROI) is a critical metric for any mining operation, and the Antminer S9 is no exception. To calculate ROI, you'll need to consider both the initial cost of the unit and the ongoing operational expenses. Given the S9's lower upfront cost, especially when purchased as refurbished hardware from a trusted reseller like D-Central Technologies, the ROI can be quite favorable when optimized for energy efficiency.

Cost of Operation vs. Revenue

Operating costs primarily consist of electricity expenses, which can vary depending on your location and the efficiency of your setup. With the Antminer S9 consuming around 1375W, it's crucial to calculate the cost per kWh in your region to get an accurate picture of your operating costs. Revenue, on the other hand, will depend on the current Bitcoin price and block rewards. By focusing on energy-efficient practices like undervolting and underclocking, you can significantly reduce your operational costs, thereby increasing your revenue margins.

Tips for Maximizing Profitability

  1. Energy Efficiency: As champions of energy-efficient mining, we at D-Central Technologies recommend undervolting and underclocking your Antminer S9 to reduce electricity costs.
  2. Firmware Optimization: Use firmware like VNish or BraiinsOS to easily manage your unit's settings for optimal energy efficiency.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Keeping your unit clean and well-maintained can extend its lifespan and improve its efficiency.
  4. Mining Pool Selection: Choose a mining pool that offers low fees and reliable payouts to maximize your earnings.
  5. Cost Monitoring: Regularly review your electricity bills and other operational costs to identify areas for potential savings.

By adhering to these tips and leveraging D-Central's expertise in maximizing ASIC efficiency, you can optimize the profitability of your Antminer S9.

Repurposing Antminer S9: Bitcoin Mining Heaters

At D-Central Technologies, we are strong proponents of dual-purpose mining, an innovative approach that maximizes the utility of your mining hardware. The idea is simple yet revolutionary: repurpose the heat generated by your Antminer S9 during the mining process to warm your living or working space. This not only makes your mining operation more energy-efficient but also adds a practical dimension to it.

How to Set Up Your Antminer S9 as a Heater

Setting up your Antminer S9 as a Bitcoin mining heater is a straightforward process:

  1. Location: Choose a space that you'd like to heat, ensuring it is well-ventilated.
  2. Configuration: Use firmware like VNish or BraiinsOS to optimize the unit for energy efficiency. This usually involves undervolting and underclocking the device.
  3. Air Flow: Position the Antminer S9 in a way that directs the hot air into the room. You may use ducting or fans to help distribute the heat more evenly.
  4. Monitoring: Keep an eye on temperature levels to ensure that the unit is effectively heating the space without overheating itself.

Benefits and Efficiency Metrics

  • Cost Savings: By using your Antminer S9 as a heater, you're essentially getting 'free' heating while mining Bitcoin.
  • Energy Efficiency: Dual-purpose mining significantly improves the W/TH efficiency of your unit, making your operation more sustainable.
  • Practicality: Especially in colder climates, the heat generated can be a practical asset, turning a byproduct of mining into a useful resource.

At D-Central, we have the expertise to guide you through the process of setting up your Antminer S9 as a dual-purpose Bitcoin mining heater, ensuring that you achieve optimal energy efficiency and practical benefits.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Using Antminer S9

  • Affordability: One of the most significant advantages of the Antminer S9 is its relatively low cost, especially when purchased as refurbished hardware from a trusted source like D-Central Technologies.
  • Ease of Use: The S9 is user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for those new to Bitcoin mining.
  • Durability: Built with quality components, the Antminer S9 is a durable machine that can offer reliable performance for years.
  • Flexibility: With the right firmware, such as VNish or BraiinsOS, the S9 can be optimized for energy efficiency, making it a versatile choice for various mining needs.
  • Dual-Purpose Utility: As previously discussed, the Antminer S9 can be repurposed as a Bitcoin mining heater, providing additional value.

Limitations and How to Overcome Them

  • Lower Hashrate: Compared to newer models, the S9 offers a lower hashrate. However, this can be mitigated by focusing on energy efficiency through undervolting and underclocking.
  • Higher Energy Consumption: While not as energy-efficient as newer models, the S9's efficiency can be improved with firmware optimization.
  • Noise Levels: The Antminer S9 can be noisy, which may be a concern for some users. Soundproofing the mining area or using noise-dampening materials can help alleviate this issue.
  • Heat Output: While the heat generated can be used for dual-purpose mining, it may be a drawback in warmer climates. Proper ventilation and cooling solutions can help manage this.

By understanding these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision on whether the Antminer S9 is the right fit for your mining needs. At D-Central Technologies, we offer expert consultation services to help you navigate these considerations effectively.

Buying Guide

The Antminer S9 is available through various channels, including online marketplaces, specialized mining hardware shops, and directly from manufacturers. However, it's crucial to purchase from a reputable source to ensure you're getting a genuine, high-quality product.

D-Central's Offerings and Why Choose Us

At D-Central Technologies, we offer a range of Antminer S9 units, including refurbished models that provide excellent value for your money. Here's why you should consider purchasing from us:

  • Quality Assurance: All our units undergo rigorous testing and quality checks to ensure they meet our high standards.
  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience in the Bitcoin mining industry, and we offer expert consultation services to help you choose the right hardware for your needs.
  • Warranty and Support: We provide robust warranties on our products, backed by comprehensive repair and support services.
  • Energy Efficiency: With our focus on energy-efficient mining, we can guide you on optimizing your Antminer S9 for maximum efficiency and profitability.
  • Reputation: As Canada's most trusted refurbished hardware reseller, our reputation is built on customer satisfaction and reliability. Our positive reviews across multiple platforms, including our website, eBay, and Amazon, attest to our commitment to quality and service.

By choosing D-Central, you're not just buying a product; you're entering into a partnership with a leader in the Bitcoin mining industry, committed to your long-term success.


The Antminer S9, while no longer the industry's flagship model, remains a viable and cost-effective option for Bitcoin mining, especially for those new to the field or looking for energy-efficient solutions. Its versatility allows for optimization through firmware like VNish or BraiinsOS, and it can even be repurposed as a Bitcoin mining heater. When purchased from a reputable source like D-Central Technologies, you can be assured of quality, durability, and robust after-sales support.

If you're considering entering the world of Bitcoin mining or looking for an energy-efficient, dual-purpose mining solution, the Antminer S9 is worth your consideration. However, it's crucial to weigh its pros and cons carefully and consider factors like energy efficiency, long-term profitability, and your specific mining goals. We recommend optimizing the unit for energy efficiency and taking advantage of our expert consultation services to make the most out of your investment.

For a comprehensive range of mining hardware, expert consultation, and top-notch repair services, look no further than D-Central Technologies. We are committed to your long-term success in the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of Bitcoin mining.


What is the Antminer S9?

The Antminer S9 is an advanced ASIC miner that was the most powerful machine for Bitcoin mining from 2016 to 2018. Boasting a hashrate of around 14 TH/s, it offers a solid performance and is now considered an entry-level option due to its reasonable cost.

How can the Antminer S9 be repurposed into a Bitcoin mining heater?

By converting the heat generated during the mining process into a heating solution, the Antminer S9 can serve a dual-purpose. D-Central Technologies offers guidance in setting up this innovative approach to make mining activities more energy efficient and practical.

What specifications does the Antminer S9 have?

The Antminer S9 features three circuit boards with a total of 189 ASIC chips. It also includes dual fans for optimal cooling during operation, contributing to its durability and reliable performance.

How can the Antminer S9's efficiency and performance be maximized?

By utilizing VNish or BraiinsOS firmware, the efficiency and performance of Antminer S9 can be enhanced. These firmware options are designed for easy management of undervolting and underclocking settings, thereby improving energy efficiency.

How profitable is the Antminer S9?

The profitability of the Antminer S9 depends on several factors, including the initial cost of unit, ongoing operational expenses, and electricity costs. By focusing on energy efficiency practices, such as undervolting and underclocking, the operational costs can be reduced, thus increasing profitability.

Antminer S9 Review: Is It Still Worth It? (2024)
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