How to calculate the breakeven win rate for a trader | Anup Thacker posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Anup Thacker

Active Global Financial Market Trader.

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The statement "Trades with a 1:3 risk-reward ratio needs only a 26% win rate to be a profitable" refers to a key concept in trading, known as risk-reward ratio and its relationship to the win rate required for profitability. Let me explain with an example:Suppose you are a trader, and you consistently use a risk-reward ratio of 1:3 in your trades. Here's what that means:1. Risk-Reward Ratio (1:3): For every trade you take, you are willing to risk 1 unit of your capital (e.g., $100) to potentially gain 3 units (e.g., $300) if the trade goes in your favor.Now, let's consider the win rate:2. Win Rate: This represents the percentage of your trades that are profitable. For example, if you have a 50% win rate, it means that half of your trades are winners, and the other half are losers.To understand the concept of the statement, you need to calculate the breakeven win rate for a 1:3 risk-reward ratio.Breakeven Win Rate: This is the minimum win rate you need to be a profitable trader. It's the win rate at which your gains (when you win) offset your losses (when you lose).For a 1:3 risk-reward ratio, you can calculate the breakeven win rate as follows:Breakeven Win Rate = 1 / (1 + Risk-Reward Ratio)In this case:Breakeven Win Rate = 1 / (1 + 3) = 1/4 = 0.25 or 25%So, with a 1:3 risk-reward ratio, you only need a win rate of 25% to break even. This means that if you win 25% of your trades and lose 75%, you won't be profitable, but you also won't be losing money overall.To be a profitable trader, you need a win rate higher than the breakeven win rate. In this case, you'd need a win rate higher than 25%. If your win rate is, for example, 26%, you'd be a profitable trader because your gains from winning trades (which are 26% of the time) outweigh your losses (which are 74% of the time).In summary, the statement highlights the importance of having a favorable risk-reward ratio in trading. With a 1:3 ratio, you can be a profitable trader even if you win only 26% of the time, as long as your winners are three times larger than your losers.

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Andrew Lee

Servicing Manager & Forex Trader


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Early on, I tried to risk 1 to earn 0.5. Then 1 to earn 1. Then 1 to earn 2. 1:3 is the best ratio.

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    Entering a trade:Unlike the stop loss or the take profit decisions, initiation of a trade gives you a lot of freedom to choose as regards to the timing, quantity and the asset class. But once entered it becomes your position and you have to take care of it with full attention. You can pick and choose your levels to enter based upon your reading of the markets but have to write your trades in a diary first with the stop loss and take profit levels also being mentioned there. What is noted only in minds remains there only and most of the times does not get executed properly and consequently fails you when you need the levels the most, when gripped by the emotions- Greed, Hope and Fear. So, writing the trades is the most important part of trading. You can write as much as you want (The minimum three should always be there- Entry level, Take Profit Level and the Stop Loss level) and should also write your supporting logic for the direction of your trades and when to trail the stop further towards initiation and bring it to your cost. This will help you in getting rid of your trades quickly when your chart pattern changes (For example the RSI moving from being in the trading zone to the overbought or the oversold zone). Those who do not think twice before cutting their trades when they realize that they have gone wrong make more money in the longer run. In trading, money saved by reducing losses ultimately swells the kitty much more. You even save money sometimes by not trading when you are not very clear of the direction or not in a position to monitor your trades. Trade only when you have something in your charts. Better to miss an opportunity rather than enter and repent later. A periodic review of your trades will also help you improve very much. The quantity of the trade also has to be decided upfront and this should emanate from the overall trading policy that you will make even before entering your first ‘professional’ trading call. Somehow there are mostly losses in your bigger positions and profits in your smaller positions and consequently you make losses overall even if you have maintained the RR perfectly in each of them individually. Ideally the Risk Capital has to remain the same in all the positions. What it means is you take positions in bigger volumes if you expect a lesser volatility and smaller ones if you expect a bigger volatility so that the money lost will be almost equal if you hit your stop loss level. Try to avoid taking positions or consider trimming an existing positions if there is some event lurking with very uncertain outcome. You can also consider tightening your stop losses if you are very confident. Please NEVER be over confident in your trades and NEVER remove your stop losses completely till the position is open. Another golden rule in trading is when you don’t understand what’s going on and you still have a position, cut it immediately and re-enter when you again get a grip of the situation.HAPPY TRADING!!!


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    Aviation l Airlines l Digital l

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  • N.O.WilliamsLP


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    **NOT ADVICE- MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. EVERY ONE OF OUR TRADES MAY VERY WELL BE LOSERS**What We'll Be Watching Monday: Swing Trades-Crude, this time, has been a buy for us since 7/13. We may look to add to our 2X long position (UCO).We still like the 3X short (TMV) Treasuries trade, and will be looking for another entry, after being stopped-out w a win on Fri.If TSLA closes below 250.00, we may take another shot at a short (TSLS).BITO closing below 14.75 might push us to a short position (BITI).ERX close above 64.11 might be a reason to go long.Day Trades-Possible day trade, to maybe very short-term swing trade, could be a short of the S&P via a futures contract or a SPY put- assuming the mkt opens w a continuation of Fri's weakness, and the S&P's major components follow suit. Lots of "ifs" there. ** ONCE AGAIN- NOT ADVICE. MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. ALL OF OUR DECISIONS MAY VERY WELL BE WRONG!**Remember- we are NOT investors- we are traders. This just a journal of some of what we do, or may do, for those interested few.

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  • Gautam Kumar


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    KNOW YOUR EXITS, AND YOU KNOW YOUR TRADE!Corollary: If you don't know your exits, you don't know your trade.In markets, when stuff is flying around, there is alwaysthat temptation to get involved as a trader. We tend to get excited by the local price action and don’t want to miss the opportunity. But before putting on a trade, it’s always a good habit to step back, look at a broader horizon and try to figure out at what level you’ll know for sure that you were wrong about your view and need to get out. It can be driven by technicals or fundamentals (usually it’s the former as hard to put an exact price tag based on fundamentals). It can be some strong area of support or resistance, above or below a key big figure etc but it’s YOU who needs to be comfortable and sure about exiting at that level. It can’t be like when the price reaches there, you tell yourself ok let’s wait for another 0.4%–0.5% move before exiting, that would only mean your entry thesis was wrong to begin with. Also try to make sure your stop loss reflects the volatility of the underlying as you don’t want to be the casualty of a choppy market. Next is identifying the take-profit level based on the same factors. Once you have your two key levels, you just need to figure out entry at what level will offer you good risk–reward. If the ratio of take profit vs stop loss is sub 1, then it means the trade itself may have good intrinsic merits, but it’s just not the right level to get involved right now. This thumb rule is more for discretionary traders to avoid getting sucked into a trade too early, if you have models or back-tested numbers to be confident that your strategy will be profitable even after sub 1 risk-reward ratio per trade, please go ahead (that will typically mean an unusually high success ratio.)I have always found it a good practice to split the T/P-S/L levels in a 3:1 ratio to get a comfortable starting point. When trading discretionary, you can exit from the trade earlier but just try to make sure your take profits are usually in 1-3x range ofyour stop loss capital. If you are consistently getting out at sub 1x levels in your profitable trades, it may be time to go back to the drawing board. In spite of your string of successes, it is hard for this to work over the long term.Keeping the decision-making time window wider also helps.Ticks don't make you click! PS: Don’t fret much about missing out on a trade because it turned back before reaching your entry level. Those trades are like the girl/ boy who spurned your advances in college. Some things are not meant to be! There is always a better one round the corner.


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How to calculate the breakeven win rate for a trader | Anup Thacker posted on the topic | LinkedIn (31)

How to calculate the breakeven win rate for a trader | Anup Thacker posted on the topic | LinkedIn (32)

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How to calculate the breakeven win rate for a trader | Anup Thacker posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)
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