Special Report With Bret Baier : FOXNEWSW : May 16, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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show. she beat out more than 3,000 pups for the title and the win marks the 11th triumph for poodles in the event's history. and those were my babies. red, tin, and stella. they asked them to be in but we didn't have time. >> dana: they should have won. robbed once again. marie? plea plea sky is the limit for one teenage girl from chicago. i love this story after earning doctorate in integrated behavioral health from arizona state at just 17 years old. dorts jean ii college classes at 10. completed most remotely and online. spent teenage years not doing what we did. earning associates, masters and bachelor's degree. ceo of leadership incident substitute supporting stem and the arts. >> dana: did you go girl. congratulations to you. that's it for everyone. have a great night. see you tomorrow

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>> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bremen in nor bret baier. house lawmakers try to force president biden to give specific military aid to israel. president biden invokes executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interview with the special counsel and a major development in the search for the origin of the coronavirus. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, the defense tries to paint former trump lawyer and self-proclaimed fixer michael cohen as a serial liar. suicidal and bent on revenge. cohen has been the key prosecution witness in its criminal case against former president trump. cross-examination has been difficult. correspondent nate foy is outside the new york state supreme court building. hello, nate. >> hey, shannon, so the importance of michael cohen's testimony is reflected by how long it is taking. he took the stand on monday of this week. he has been here all week. he will be back when court resumes at 9:30 monday morning. of course he has a documented history of lying.

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cohen has admitted to lying under oath several times and today trump's lawyers say he did it again. >> trump attorney todd blanche accused michael cohen of lying under oath again today. cohen told the jury he informed trump of the stormy daniels deal during a phone call through trump's head of security keith shirley. blanched challenged cohen saying quote that was a lie. did you not talk to president trump. cohen questioned that. responding, quote: i'm not certain that's accurate. texts between cohen and shirley said cohen wanted to talk about harassing phone calls he received. cohen now maintains he spoke to schiller and trump in the same phone call. trump can't publicly respond to cohen because of the court's gag order but he did say this while leaving court tonight. >> i think it was a very interesting day, fascinating day. and it shows what a scam this whole thing is. >> in contrast to testimony from several witnesses, cohen said today he never wanted to work in

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trump's white house. asserting instead he wanted to be considered for a role. earlier in the trial, daniels former lawyer keith davidson told the court that cohen appeared suicidal after not receiving a white house position. attorney bob costello whom cohen killed with in 2018 told fox today after testifying on capitol hill wednesday that cohen completed the daniels deal by himself to gain trump's favor and ultimately become his white house chief of staff or attorney general. >> he said, specifically, and i cross-examined him on this, this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because he had been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels who said she was going to claim that donald trump had sex with her. he kept on saying i have nothing on donald trump. >> cohen is the prosecution's final witness. as this trial nears its end. >> this is finishing up at some point it will be finished.

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>> trump's lawyers say they expect to finish cohen's cross-examination by the morning break on monday. after that, lawyers for former president trump plan to call brad smith to the stand. he's an expert witness -- an expert on campaign finance law. trump's lawyers also indicate they are considering calling more witnesses forward. they didn't mention bob costello by name but costello told fox this morning it's possible that he will be called to testify. shannon? >> shannon: all right, nate foy in new york. thank you. president biden is asserting executive privilege over audio of his interview with the special counsel concerning his handling of classified documents. now, house republicans say they want to hold the president's attorney general in contempt of congress. correspondent david spunt is at the justice department tonight. >> you guys are not doing oversight. you are doing overkill. >> a tense hearing on capitol hill as republicans and democrats fought over whether to

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hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. in a party line vote, the house judiciary committee voted 18-15 in favor of holding garland in contempt after he refused to turn over audio files of the interview between president biden and then special counsel robert hur last october. >> they are going to reveal whether special counsel lore's assessment correct and our president mishandled classified documents or or it will reveal he is incompetent. >> hur declined to criminally charge biden or anyone with a crime after classified documents were discovered at multiple properties connected to the president. what high profile witness would ever cooperate with investigation if they knew audio files of their conversations would be released to committees seeking those files for purely political purposes. >> hours before the hearing, the president invoked executive privilege over the audio files. keeping them away from congress

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while legally protecting garland who today told fox news he is not afraid. >> we have gone through extraordinary lengths to ensure that the committees get responses to legitimate requests. this is not one. to the contrary, this is one that would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations. >> the oversight committee was supposed to meet at 11:00 eastern time this morning. they pushed their meeting back to about two hours from now, 8:00 p.m. eastern time tonight because several republican members went to former president trump's donald trump's trial today in manhattan. as far as the next step in the process, all of this, shannon, would need to go to the full house for a vote. it's all up to speaker mike johnson who, when asked about this today, was noncommittal and gave no timetable. shannon? >> shannon: david, switching gears but sticking with the doj. what can you tell us about the attorney general and all of this talk we have heard about

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reclassifying marijuana? >> okay. this was big news today from the justice department. we have been expecting this somewhat for the past couple of weeks. but today, officially, the justice department submitted a new rule to the federal registrar to reclassify and lower the danger of marijuana. it was formally in a classified level one. it's going to go to a level 3. which would make it a little bit easier for research purposes and allow the federal government to officially recognize the medical benefit of marijuana. we have a new fox news poll, actually out, to show you what the american people think about marijuana. brand new poll found that 69% favor legalizing the drug naturally but the justice department and the white house, shannon, are not there yet to talk about a national legalization of marijuana. shannon? >> shannon: the debate continues. david, thank you. >> thanks. >> shannon: there were no campaign events scheduled for president biden today. tonight we look at more of that fox polling about which issues are did deal breakers for

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various constituencies. white house correspondent peter doocy joins us now. good evening, peter. >> peter: shannon, we didn't lay eyes on president biden aside from a video where he talked about what david spunt just laid out that the government is closer to reclassifying marijuana. turns out though marijuana not one of the big issues that is helping -- that are helping voters make up their minds but this is. >> it's causing chaos for women. >> abortion the deal maker for 15% of voters fox poll more than any other issue broken down by party. 24% of democrats say abortion is a deal breaker compared to just 9% of republicans. the top deal breaker for a quarter of republicans border security. >> the good news is the polls are through the roof. >> trump's trials could ultimately benefit him because of something president biden didn't do. >> i would have pardoned president trump. why? because it makes me, president biden, the big guy and the person i pardoned, the little guy. >> i'm not going to speak to pardons from here. >> a day after a pair of

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presidential debates were announced, democratic insiders are expressing doubt. >> trump could certainly say i never agreed to those -- those specifics in the letter. and he probably will. and that's how this all falls apart. >> right. >> even though he has basically said i would debate him anywhere, any time. >> vice president harris accepted an invitation to debate a trump running mate to be named later as vice president kamala harris has joked to friends that she may return to california to run for governor if democrats lose the white house this fall. >> have you heard -- >> oh no. >> that vice president harris is telling friends that she may go back to california and run for governor if the election does not go her way? >> ha ha ha ha. that is news to me. she has been an amazing partner and the president appreciates her, appreciates her leadership and that's all i will say to that. >> peter: the vice president's team says that's not going to happen in 2026 when gavin newsom's term is up because they believe she will be here serving

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out a second term as president biden's v.p., shannon? >> shannon: peters doocy they white house. thanks, peter. stocks were down. the dow lost 39 after briefing topping the 40,000 mark for the first time. the s&p 500 fell 11. nasdaq was off 44. we have learned that the wife of embattled new jersey democratic senator bob menendez has breast cancer. the senator is on trial right now on bribery and corruption charges. his wife's trial has delayed -- has been delayed until july. correspondent c.b. cotton is in new york on that tonight. >> senator bob menendez arrives to federal district court in manhattan with initial witnesses in his bribery trial taking the stand. but today, menendez himself made his own announcement, his wife, nadine menendez is being treated for stage 3 breast cancer and will need a mastectomy. the senator made diagnosis in a statement reading in part,

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quote: we are, of course, concerned about the seriousness and advanced stage of the disease. we hope and pray for the best results. word of her diagnosis comes less than a day after her husband's lawyers told jurors she was mostly to blame for the alleged bribery scheme. back in april, nadine menendez's lawyers requested a delay for her trial on charges in the case citing a serious health issue. she has pleaded not guilty. the democrat new jersey senator has also pleaded not guilty. prosecutors say he tried his political influence for cash, gold bars, home turn anyonings and a new mercedes-benz convertible. accusing him of improperly acting on behalf of the egyptian and governments. is he on trial with another two other businessmen who maintain their innocence after being accused of funneling bribes to the couple. the judge has said the case could last nearly two months and the trial's first witness, an

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fbi agent who raided the menendez home back in june 2022 described to the jury today that more than $400,000 cash and gold found inside. during the fbi's agent's testimony jurors got upclose look at some of the evidence in this case passing around several difference sized gold bars and wads of cash and then later the defense began its cross-examination of that fbi agent. shannon? >> shannon: c.b. cotton in new york for us tonight. thank you, c.b. up next, house lawmakers try to force president biden to send certain military aid to israel. we have got a live report. but, first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as a 12-year-old girl is shot, another woman stabbed after two people opened fire during a massive brawl in queens. police say the fight involved 10 kids. dhors say they are still looking for two suspects. fox 26 in houston as the company that observes the barge that hit

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the pelican island bridge near galveston wednesday says the vessel broke loose from its tow before drifting into the causeway. the collision stopped traffic on the bridge that connects pelican island to galveston for hours no. injuries were reported and the bridge is now partially open to those needing the island. and this is a live look at louisville, one of the big stories there tonight from our affiliate wdrb the pga championship gets underway at golf club. the 40 time the tournament has been held there. the first round lead after breaking a tournament record. and tying the all-time major low round by shooting a 62. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from special reported. we'll be right back. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer.

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>> shannon: chicago and university police cleared an encampment of anti-israel demonstrators this morning at depaul university's lincoln park campus. the depaul divestment coalition began its demonstration april 30th. today officers ordered protesters to disperse. they left the encampment voluntarily.

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also today uc irvine classes went remote after several people were detained last night as an anti-israel protest escalated prompting a massive police response. police also cleared an encampment there. ♪ breaking tonight, house republicans bring to the floor a bill that would force president biden to lift his hold on certain military aid to israel. registered voters seem evenly split on u.s. policy towards israel. 32% say the u.s. is too supportive. 30% say not supportive enough. and 33% say about right. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill tonight with the very latest. good evening, chad. >> shannon, good evening. republicans want to force the administration to unlock heavy weapons for israel. daring democrats to vote no. democrats accuse the g.o.p. of trying to expose their internal fractures. > >> as a just i'm frankly sick and tired of the republican

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party using israel as a political weapon to divide us. if you truly care about israel, please stop using it as a divisive political pawn. >> chad: the final vote 224 to 187. 16 democrats voted yes. three g.o.p. members voted no. the democratic split over israel was on display outside the capitol. progressive congressional aides protested against what they called quote funding israel's war on civilians. organizers instructed aides to wear masks and not carry congressional ids. >> i'm here on my personal time, not as a member of the office or representative for the member. >> there was a message here for people to wear masks and also to take off your ids. why would d. they ask them to take off their ids and why did they ask them to wear masks. not to identify hot demonstrators were? >> the administration just released 1 billion in aid to israel for other weapons but

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republicans said that's not what they agreed to last mid-atlantic. >> that's apittance. that is a window dressing. that is to try to give him political cover and now they are defying the will of congress. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer will not put the house bill on the floor. schumer wants to guard against the g.o.p., exploiting vulnerable democrats. shannon? >> shannon: all right, chad pergram on the hill. thank you, chad. ♪ >> israel says it is sending more troops to rafah. wearing down terrorists. the u.s.s. military finishes the installation of a structure designed to facilitate humanitarian aid into gaza. correspondent trey yingst has our update tonight from tel aviv. >> after weeks of construction, the american floating pier off the coast of gaza is complete while aid trucks are expected to pick up new deliveries of

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supplies in the coming days. the project is drawing backlash from some palestinian civilians. >> i strongly object to the ships and the american shins. >> despite allowing more aid to enter gaza, israel has expanded strikes against the strip in recent days going after hamas on the ground across the palestinian territory. at a hospital in central gaza, injured patients wait. some for treatment, others to leave the enclave. >> we hope that you will be able to open the rafah border crossing for humanitarian cases so that they can receive treatment and be provided with medication. >> this palestinian mother pleads to israel as she tends to her injured son mohammed. israeli forces have pushed deeper into gaza's third largest city of rafah in recent days. the move cutting the only exit for palestinians from gaza and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate further north. newly released satellite images illustrate the movement of civilians showing recently

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cleared tents and encampments. the israeli military says the evacuations are necessary as intense battles against hamas in the south of gaza rage on. the militant group is continuing to launch new ambushes against idf troops using their network of tunnels. >> several tunnels have been destroyed by our troops and additional tunnels will be destroyed soon. this activity will intensify. >> currently, there are key disagreements in the israeli war cabinet about the next steps for the war in gaza. amid those discussions israeli officials are determining how to address ongoing threats from the lebanese militant group, hezbollah. shannon? >> shannon: trey yingst, thank you very much. up next, the federal government cuts funding for an american group with ties to the chinese lab that some blame for the coronavirus. first, beyond our borders tonight, russian president vladimir putin thanks chinese leader xi jinping for beijing's proposals on ending the war in ukraine. the two leaders met in the

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chinese capital. they reaffirmed a no limits partnership they say has grown deeper as both countries face increasing disputes with the west. slovac authorities charge a man attempting to asass sis nate robert fechuch co. they say the suspect acted alone in a politically attack. gripping the small central european country. he is in serious but stable condition after being shot multiple times in the stomach. and this is a live look as chiba, japan. one of the big stories there tonight, flagship aircraft carrier leaves its japanese home port. the departure of the uss ronald reagan wraps up nearly nine years of deployment in the indo-pacific. comes at a time of growing tension in the fails of increasingly assertive china in that region. just some of the stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪

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acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. ♪ >> shannon: the u.s. supreme court has upheld the authority of the consumer financial protection bureau. the semi independent agency is designed to regulate mortgages, car loans and other lending practices. it's being criticized by conservatives and business groups for wielding too much unchecked power. but, the court's 7-2 majority said the agency's funding mechanism is constitutional. two pharmaceutical companies say they will terminate the development of their experimental treatment for als, also known as lou gehrig's disease. biogen and iona say the treatment filed produce improvement in patients early to mid stage study. this marks another setback in new treatments for als a rare neurodegenerative disease that effects the voluntary control of limbs and leads to breathing

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trouble. most people die from the disease in five years. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: in tonight's what happened to wuhan segment, the biden administration is cutting funding to the american nonprofit organization tied to the chinese lab that may have been ground zero for the coronavirus. here is senior national correspondent rich edson. >> the health and human services department has barred controversial research organization ecohealth alliance from receiving federal grants. was dr. does zac a good stuart of taxpayer dollars? >> he was not hss notified dr. peter daszak of the ban yesterday. today the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic questioned the national institutes of health's deputy director about his agency's oversight of federal grants it is up to the grantee to oversee themselves. this is a recipe for waste,

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fraud, abuse and deception. >> hhs accuses ecohealth of failing to adequately monitor experiments it funded at china's wuhan institute of virology it. also says ecohealth neglected to keep the u.s. government informed and provide notes from those experiments. >> did ecohealth ever produce the requested notebooks? >> they have not. >> in its letter to daszak, hhs writes quote debarment is generally for a period not to exceed three years but says that could last shorter or longer depending on circ*mstances. ecohealth says it will appeal and that, quote: we disagree strongly with decision and will present evidence to refute each of these allegations. republicans maintain the organization funded dangerous research that may have sparked the pandemic. democrats say the subcommittee has no proof of that. >> it is not substantiated any allegations federal grant funding for ecohealth alliance created the covid-19 pandemic. >> the subcommittee has scheduled another hearing next week on ecohealth alliance.

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charmer brad wenstrup has subpoenaed dr. david more rens zoe top adviser to dr. anthony fauci. fauci is scheduled to appear before this subcommittee june 3rd. shannon? >> shannon: rich edson, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: house lawmakers are taking a closer look at the influx of chinese nationals into the u.s. almost 28,000 have illegally crossed the border in the past seven months. correspondent griff jenkins has details tonight. >> they are coming in from china, 31, 32,000 over the last few months and they are all military age, and they mostly are men. >> it's one of candidate trump's favorite new lines on the campaign trail. >> and it sounds like to me are they trying to build a little army in our country? is that what they are trying to do? >> no evidence to suggest a shadow army is being organized but new data from cbp shows a surge of chinese nationals at the u.s.' southern border. so far this fiscal year a record

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breaking 27,500 in 83 chinese nationals have illegally crossed. surpassing the total of 24,125 last fiscal year. it's a nearly 8,000 percent increase from fiscal year 2021 which saw a mere 23042. single adults raising concerns among border officials. >> yes, it absolutely does raise concerns. whenever there is a large increase in numbers concerned with who these individuals are and what they are doing. >> at a house hearing this afternoon, republicans sounded the alarm while democrats dismissed the issue as partisan politics. >> this surge of chinese nationals at our border, without recent precedent, presents a major national security vulnerability ripe for exploitation. >> we are here today because republicans are demagoguing and exploiting the xenophobic and

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white supremacy ideologies that are fueling the immigration debate. >> and just moments ago, shannon, dhs and the justice department announced a new recent arrivals docket intended to speed up the asylum claims process so individuals who do not qualify can be removed more quickly. shannon? >> shannon: so, griff, also, there are reports today -- you have been covering this today about two jordanian nationals attempting to breach, we think, security at quantico? what's the latest on that? >> griff: we confirmed the story it happened on may 3rd, two jordanian nationals in a box truck. at the gate, the driver ignored directions to stop. of the two men were detained. they were turned over to ice. no weapons were found in the vehicle. a base spokesperson says the men told officers they were working for an amazon subcontractor but amazon has not confirmed that the acting ice director confirmed the men are in custody and going through removal proceedings but shannon, it's unclear whether they are illegally in the u.s. and whether they pose a national security risk.

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dhs and ice have not responded to our inquiries. >> shannon: well, you have a way of getting answers on these stories. griff, thank you. we will stay tuned. >> griff: thank you. >> shannon: up next, our series on toxic towns continues by efforts by victims to get compensation. ♪ ♪ >> and joshua hawley on the same side fighting for the same thing for our missourians. you need to listen. ♪ well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.

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♪ >> shannon: presidents from communities impacted by radiation exposure were in washington today. they are calling on house speaker mike johnson to hold a vote on legislation and would offer compensation for their imnesses. as part of our series on toxic towns we have explained how the nuclear weapons program in st. louis may have sickened thousands in the region. my colleague bret baier takes a closer look at their fight for assistance. >> thanks, shannon. the radiation exposure compensation act expires next month. as we told you previously in our series, the bill passed the senate earlier this year but has yet to be considered in the house. it's just one effort that would offer payments to those sickened

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by toxic sites in parts of missouri and other locations throughout the country. tonight, we look at how the fight for assistance is a race against the clock. >> this radiation exposure compensation act that we are looking for is -- there's no windfall for anybody. it's a drop in the bucket. >> kim is another former resident of coldwater creek and is fighting for compensation for very personal reasons. >> my son was born with a clio blastoma multi-form. we were told he was one in a million. that children just don't get this cancer zac had first neurosnureg a week and started chief meteorologist know thereafter as kim and husband consulted specialists. having full conch of insurance and my husband having full conch, our out-of-pocket costs out-of-network and specialists after a year of treatment was $100,000.

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>> bret: zac lost his battle with cancer in 2006. as kim and her husband began to process that loss, she also began to ask why this happened to their son. >> it wasn't until years later with social media that i reconnected with a lot of grade school friends and friends that i grew up with in the neighborhood. >> she started the group coldwater creek just the facts, please. and began mapping reports of illnesses in the region. >> they are like oh my god all these illnesses are around the creek and this is our common denominator, common link. >> bret: efforts to win compensation for their illnesses have faced hurdles. >> even if we get all this compensation, we will never qualify because my son, you know, i was exposed hence his disease. but, by the time he was born, i was living out of the zip code that's affected. >> in fact, there are ricco claimants in all 50 states. we are talking about legislation that impacts every single member of congress' constituents.

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>> bret: while kim and others would not receive payments she says the impact extends further than just individual assistance. >> if it gives somebody a chance to just breathe and pay their bills, great. i think that's wonderful. but beyond the rest the restitution, if we are part of the radiation exposure compensation act that opens us up to community grants and funding, for the whole area. >> bret: do you know when the house will take up the bill or if president biden would sign it if it gets through. >> i do know that the president would sign it so all eyes are on the house now, bret. the ball is in their court. >> bret: missouri republican senator josh hawley invited dawn chapman for this year's state of the union. >> we are pushing for everything we have because the truth is it's too late for us. it's too late for us, too late for me and my kids. >> during time in washington she met with other lawmakers in hopes of gaining support for the legislation. >> we have been able to see what is happening in other communities. we know what we can ask for. >> house speaker mike johnson's office notes the legislation would cost approximately

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$60 billion and it expands a program that should be winding down. >> the people standing up here today are proof that world war ii is still killing people in this country. >> bret: a spokesperson for johnson tells fox he is, quote: working closely with interested members and stakeholders to chart a path forward for the house. it's a tough environment, right? i mean, you are a deficit hawk. you are concerned about spending. this is spending but clearly it's to right the wrongs of the past. >> this is an instance where the government is the one who has caused this harm. right now i will tell you who is paying for this, the american people are paying for it, the people of my state are paying for it. in some cases literally with their lives. >> bret: we'll continue to follow what happens with that legislation and the cleanup for those toxic sites around the country. we'll send it back to you. >> shannon: all right, bret. thank you. up next, the panel on presidential politics executive privilege, and the latest fox polls. and then remembering the man known as america's pastor.to b

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obey sense and sicko fancy to donald trump. >> shannon: all right see what our panel thinks, guy benson political editor and host of the guy benson show on fox news radio. matthew continetti american enterprise institute and olivia beavers congressional reporter for politico. so you heard what was said voluntarily. he can't under this gag order. these are the headlines from mainstream media with some doubts. republicans flock to court to kiss the ring during trump criminal trial. trump allies flock to new york to say what he can't and trump grift tightens with high profile loyalty tests is that what this is, guy? >> part of it. i'm not sure how beneficial it is having people of his party to back him up. of course he is not allowed to talk about this case and the gag order which seems totally crazy to me so he is having allies come up and show solidarity. that's fine. what is more helpful to him and this is why he came out of court today and started reading quotes from other networks. some analysts and commentators

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not usually supportive to him or friendly to him. they saw what went down in court today on this cross-examination of michael cohen and they were using words like devastating. so i think in terms of maybe moving the needle in terms of public opinion, that is a stronger argument to make than look at these republicans supporting me, the republican nominee for president. >> shannon: to your point about cohen today, we have this, blanche highlight's cohen's history of lying. todd blanche repeatedly questioned michael cohen on thursday about the lies he has made under oath dating back to 2017 blanche highlighted several instances where cohen lied under oath, including to congress about a trump tower mock project and special counsel robert mueller's office. you know, olivia, some of our folks there in the courthouse today said at times it seemed like the jury was board. such a long list of lies they were getting worn-out hearing about them. >> i think the defense is trying to make this argument, michael cohen cannot be trusted.

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you saw them repeatedly trying to poke holes in his story especially that he spoke to donald trump about securing a financial deal to kill the stormy daniels story and at one point you heard blanche just yelling "you are lying." and cohen is trying to fight him back. that's what they were trying to deliver as the message to the jury before they rest their case. >> shannon: part of our polling asks people and we break it down by ideology do you think president trump is getting a fair take within the legal system democrats 89% say yeah they think it's fair, 13% of the republicans by contrast. 52%, matthew, they do think he is getting a fair shake. >> it's a pretty snare row majority on the independents. i think that's explains why the trials haven't heard trump's position in the polling. these trials have been going on, the indictments have been going on. trump has been leading in the polls for six months and differ slightly with guy. i do think having the surrogates there helps trump. is he forced into a situation where this is a courtroom

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campaign. he has to be there at least four days a week. and other -- you have to show some type of party unity and amplify your message somehow bringing in the legislatures, bringing in the potential v.p. pick seems to me a pretty savvy way to do it. >> shannon: one of the legal fights that may soon ramp up capitol hill house committees voting whether to hold a.g. garland in contempt because doj says they are not going to release the audio recordings of president biden being interviewed by special counsel robert hur. "new york times" says this: president biden has exerted executive privilege to deny house republicans access to recordings of his interview with special counsel that was about the government documents. the move is intended to shield merrick garland from prosecution if house republicans succeed in their effort to hold him in contempt for refusing to turn over audio of his conversations with robert hur. olivia, they took step one in one of the committees today. another one may do so tonight, too. >> it was partisan. the second oversight committee had to waited for some of their members to come back from new

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york who went to the trump trial. the white house is arguing that this is purely partisan, that they're just trying to get the audio to splice it and use it. and republicans are arguing that they are not cooperating. but that would be pretty valuable audio because hur had basically argued that at times his memory was a big issue. and he could potentially use that to the jury over the classified documents case. so, of course republicans want to obtain it and they were hinting today that they are leaning more into an idea of a lawsuit to get that audio. >> shannon: we know these things take time. really if it's about making sure the audio doesn't get get out so it's not used for campaign ads. it could be a moot point, quickly. >> sure, it raises the issue why is biden trying to suppress this audio when the transcript is already released? the reason is he wants voters to forget about his atrocious press conference on the day that the hur report was released. that joe biden who melted down in the oval office is a one-term president. his campaign needs to shift the

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ground quickly and present a more palatable face to the electorate if he wants to win a second term. >> shannon: speaking of campaigning, all this new fox polling out including deal breakers, their issues, what is going to get them to the ballot box and make their decision to them on deal breaker issues on new fox news poll abortion is at the top of the list, 15%, followed very closely by economy, inflation, and border security. so, guy, this is a bit of good news for the democrats. democrats have successfully used this issue just about every time it's come up since dobbs overturned roe v. wade. >> it's a deal breaker issue for some pro-lifers, obviously. but, among those who prize this issue in terms of their number one consideration, they lean democratic. i don't think too many of those people aren't sure who they are going to vote for. right? if you are fanatically pro-abortion rights, you are not going to vote for the republican party this year no matter what. i think people who see a deal breaker issue is, for example, the economy or inflation, those might be swing voters and we see president trump leading by

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double digits over joe biden on that issue set. >> shannon: let's talk about economy and inflation. the president has been out there talking about this. more than once he has now said when he took the rains. pin him down about why the president is saying something that is demonstrably false. shear a little bit of that. >> i think inflation has gone slightly up. it was at 9% when i came in. >> it was never ever ever 9% when you came into office. why does he keep saying it? >> well, first of all, let me point out that in that very quote you played the president talked about how concerned he was for households struggling with prices that he consistently. >> neil: that's not what i asked you. >> the president was making the point that i think is unequivocally true. the factors that took inflation to 9% were in place when he took office. >> neil: that is not what he said, jared.

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>> shannon: okay, matthew he is off talking points with this. clearly, that's not accurate. just st statistical objective sharing. >> wrong with the figure. biden is spending, the recovery act is what a drove a lot of this inflation. moreover they are wrong now when they say severing honky dory with the economy. when you have prices raised by a fifth since biden took office gas, food, rents, interest rates, consumers and voters are suffering in this economy. and until they change their messaging, they are going to continue to see poor approval numbers on this issue. >> shannon: yeah. we do. we don't have these made up but i wanted to bring these up from our polling today when people are asked about the condition of the economy. 30% say good or excellent. 70% say fair or poor. that number, olivia, also translates over when we ask how is your personal situation your family doing very much the same? >> look, the economy is one of the top priorities you can count on almost every election. biden has been able to move slightly in his favor but he

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needs to do a lot of work to sell that he is making people's lives better and easier before we get to the ballot boxes. >> shannon: guy, as time runs out. >> if he keeps lying about inflation that's not going to help. he said this 9% lie which is insulting thing last week got fact checked a little bit and came out and said it again this week. clearly they cannot defend it. try as they might, great job by neil cavuto there, there's nothing there. there is no substance to come back. so he is in denial. and he is trying to ask us to all be in denial, too. that might not go well for him with voters. >> shannon: do you think we will hear the 9% again or enough of a crack down to say you cannot keep saying. >> we can hear it again. but biden you never know. >> shannon: we are going to hear again. all right, thank you very much. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: finally tonight, a special day. >> billy graham is ciacchella a towering figure in my life and as he is in all of our lives and

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such a singular figure and the leading ambassador for the kingdom of our life times. >> shannon: a bronze statue of the late reverend billy graham was unveiled this morning inside the u.s. capitol. graham preached in person to more than 210 million people worldwide. his personal relationships with the american presidents with it dwight eisenhower to george w. bush earned him the nickname america's pastor. graham died in 2018 at the age of 99. tomorrow on "special report," the u.s. removes cuba from its list of uncooperative countries against terrorism. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, we are always 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report," i'm shannon bream here in washington. "the ingraham angle" is up next. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. my angle in moments but, first: we have told you that

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