The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (2024)

Takashi Kotegawa (aka BNF/J-Com man) is one of Japan’s most famous day traders. He’s also one of the most famous traders in the business.

He apparently made a fortune trading stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the early 2000s, putting many Wall Street traders to shame.

If you’re inspired by my feat of turning $12,415 into $7.4 million (learn more in my book “An American Hedge Fund”)…

… or if you’re impressed by top Challenge trader Tim Grittani who turned $1,500 into over $13.5 million in 10 years…

Prepare to be even more inspired when you read this guy’s story!

Legend has it Takashi Kotegawa started with the equivalent of $13,600. He benefited from some luck and a lot of skill to rack up $153 million in about eight years. Sometimes he made millions per trade.

While primarily a stock trader, Takashi has been known to trade in a variety of financial instruments.

So … how did he do it?

Weknow he’s usedshort-term trading strategies, capitalizing on quick market movements for gains.

We know he’s not just throwing darts — he utilizes leverage to increase risk but also potential reward.

The exact details are a bit of a mystery — there’s little information on the news about his trades and strategies. His results landed on the front page and were discussed in newsletters.He’sdefinitely been subject to significant taxes on his trading profits.

But we haven’t heard much about how he makes his trades. And to add to the intrigue, the guy seems to have disappeared…

But here’s what I’ve managed to dig up on the mysterious and obscure trader Takashi Kotegawa.

Let’s go!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Who Is Takashi Kotegawa?
  • 2 Takashi Kotegawa’s Most Legendary Deal
  • 3 What Do We Know About Takashi Kotegawa’s Trading Strategies?
  • 4 The Importance of Having the Right Trading Mindset
    • 4.1 What Does a Good Trading Mindset Look Like?
  • 5 Takashi Kotegawa: A Role Model Beyond Trading
  • 6 The Bottom Line: What Can You Learn From Takashi Kotegawa?
    • 6.1 Trading Challenge
  • 7 FAQs
    • 7.1 Did Online Games Influence Takashi Kotegawa’s Trading Style?
    • 7.2 What Role Does Japanese Culture Play in His Life?
    • 7.3 How Is Takashi Kotegawa Covered in Media and Influencer Circles?
    • 7.4 Does Kotegawa Engage in Social Media Platforms?
    • 7.5 Are There Any Personal Interests That Shaped Kotegawa’s Trading Style?

Who Is Takashi Kotegawa?

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (1)

Here’s what we know: Takashi Kotegawa was born on March 5, 1978, in Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan.

He started trading stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the bear market of 2001.

Despite his massive net worth, he stays humble. He doesn’t buy fancy cars or eat lavish meals. He rides a bike and likes to eat ramen.

One thing he did splurge his savings on … a top-floor apartment that he bought for 400 million yen (over $2.6 million at 2023 exchange rates).

Takashi’s also known in the Japanese trading community by his chatroom username “BNF.” And he earned the nickname “J-Com man” after one of his most famous trades…

In 2005, he made millions on a single trade in J-Com Holdings after its IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

I don’t usually advise my Trading Challenge students to buy IPOs. They have no chart, and are too unpredictable. But this one was special…

A trader at Mizuho Securities accidentally sold 610,000 shares at 1 yen each instead of selling one share at 610,000 yen. Ouch.

The huge sell order sent the stock price crashing. And Takashi saw an opportunity.

He bought 7,100 shares while the price was down. But he wasn’t the only one. The low price caught the attention of other traders and investors. A buying frenzy followed…

Takashi sold part of his position into the bounce and held some shares overnight. By the end of the trade, he had made more than $17 million!

Buying panics and selling into the bounce is my favorite strategy…

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (2)

Takashi’s approach can be influenced by market conditions and news events, making adaptability a cornerstone of his trading style.

Takashi Kotegawa’s Most Legendary Deal

Takashi Kotegawa, a name that resonates in the trading world, especially when you talk about legendary deals. This guy turned a mere $13,000 into hundreds of millions, all from the comfort of his bedroom. Yeah, you heard that right. A bedroom trader who made it big. Now, that’s a level of success that’s hard to ignore.

The deal that put him on the map involved a Japanese pharmaceutical company. Kotegawa bought shares before a merger announcement, and the stock price skyrocketed. He cashed out with a fortune. This wasn’t luck; it was a calculated move. Just like I always say, trading is about patterns and making informed decisions. I’ve been teaching this stuff for years, and when you get it right, the changes to your life and portfolio can be monumental.

But here’s the kicker: Kotegawa’s legendary deal wasn’t just about making money; it was about proving that with the right strategy and mindset, anyone can succeed in trading. It’s a fact that I’ve seen play out time and again with my students.

What Do We Know About Takashi Kotegawa’s Trading Strategies?

There aren’t a lot of specific details or news articles about Takashi Kotegawa’s trading strategies. We know the big J-Com trade Takashi Kotegawa is known for was partially based on luck…

But he also uses an effective swing trading strategy. He employs advanced trading tools and algorithms, giving him an edge in a competitive field.

Unlike me, he doesn’t share every trade publicly or share much information about how he made his millions.

But he has become a mentor to a generation of traders who are still studying his success. Apparently, he thinks it’s easier to make money in bear markets than in bull markets. He looks for short-term rebound plays in stocks that are down.

Some describe Takashi Kotegawa’s trading style as divergence day trading. He uses indicators like Bollinger Bands®, relative strength index (RSI), volume ratio, and the 25-day moving average. He likes to buy stocks that are at least 20% below the 25-day moving average and profit from the bounce.

But he doesn’t treat all stocks the same…

Since the markets constantly change, he adapts the percentage he looks for based on the overall market and individual industry or sector. He gets a feel for how stocks in different sectors move and how fast they rebound.

Like all day traders, he likes to capitalize on momentum.

In this video, a reporter claims Takashi is a former video game champion and “a gambler at heart.” Yet, he stays disciplined and allegedly has a 60% win rate.

Like me, he cuts losses quickly. But he has more patience and lets his winners run. He’ll hold positions for up to a few days.

I prefer day trading. The advantages of day trading are numerous, including the ability to make quick decisions and adapt to market conditions. It’s a style that can offer you flexibility and the potential for significant gains if you know what you’re doing. If you’re interested in understanding the benefits of day trading, here’s a comprehensive guide on the advantages of day trading.

The Importance of Having the Right Trading Mindset

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (3)

Takashi Kotegawa has the right trading mindset.

A trader like Takashi doesn’t just wing it; he requires knowledge and skill in analysis to make informed decisions. He also requires strict risk management and discipline, ensuring that he stays in the game for the long haul.

His style requires emotional control and mental toughness; they help him navigate the ups and downs without losing focus.

To me, it doesn’t seem like he’s focused on gains. For one, he doesn’t show off his wealth or spend his cash on flashy cars or big purchases.

And he doesn’t carry around large amounts of cash. His concern is its presence would hurt his ability to make smart trading decisions — in penny stocks or other securities.

He prefers to focus on price action, charts, market sentiment, and hot sectors.

Want to learn more about day trading penny stocks? Get my FREE guide to trading penny stocks here!

What Does a Good Trading Mindset Look Like?

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (4)

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A good trading mindset is a growth mindset. In the context of trading, it’s the belief that you can develop your talents by studying hard, making sound trading plans, and seeking advice from successful traders.

Traders with a growth mindset achieve more because they realize success takes lots of hard work. By working hard, they improve their results and strengthen their belief that it’s because of hard work. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle that pushes you to keep working hard and getting better each day.


— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) October 10, 2020

The great thing about a growth mindset is it makes you see that talent isn’t everything. Raw talent gives you a head start, but you’ve gotta put it to work to succeed.

The same goes for people with average trading skills. If you keep studying hard, you’ll improve your skills and become a self-sufficient trader.

Having the right mindset is crucial, but it’s also essential to have a set of effective day trading strategies. These strategies can serve as your roadmap, guiding you through the complexities of the market. Whether it’s swing trading, momentum trading, or something else, having a strategy can make all the difference. For a deep dive into various day trading strategies, check out this detailed article.

Takashi Kotegawa: A Role Model Beyond Trading

Takashi Kotegawa isn’t just a trading legend; he’s a role model for how to approach life. Despite his massive success, he lives a simple life. He’s not into flashy cars or extravagant property; he’s content with what he has. This level of humility is rare, especially in an industry often characterized by ego and bravado.

What sets Kotegawa apart is his disciplined approach to both trading and life. He’s not swayed by market hype or the promise of quick riches. He sticks to his strategy, no matter what changes are happening in the market. That’s a lesson I try to instill in all my students. Trading isn’t just about making quick bucks; it’s about developing a sustainable strategy that can weather any market condition.

So, if you’re looking for a role model in trading and in life, Takashi Kotegawa is a name you should remember. His story proves that with the right mindset and strategy, you can achieve incredible things. And that’s a fact that can change your life for the better.

Takashi Kotegawa’s story is inspiring, but he’s not the only one who has found success in trading. There are numerous other traders who have turned small accounts into fortunes, proving that with the right strategies and mindset, success is attainable. If you’re looking for more inspiration, here are some day trading success stories that can motivate you to reach your own trading goals.

The Bottom Line: What Can You Learn From Takashi Kotegawa?

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (5)

In a lot of ways, Takashi Kotegawa has a similar mindset and strategy to my own.

He cuts losses quickly, doesn’t focus on money, and looks for patterns that repeat and that have worked for him in the past.

He even likes to buy stocks when they’re down and profit from the bounce. It’s similar to my favorite pattern — the morning panic dip buy.

Here’s another video on that pattern:

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (6)

But the major differences? He trades with a massive account and takes huge position sizes.

That and the lack of details about his approach makes it hard for new traders to learn from or replicate. And after the market crash in 2008, it’s rumored that Takashi left the stock market and started to invest in real estate.

So we may never know the details of how this famous trader made his millions.

But he’s a trader, not a teacher…

Trading Challenge

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (7)

I, on the other hand, love to teach. I didn’t have a teacher when I started trading. I had to learn from my losses and dumb mistakes to meet my trading goals. It was frustrating.

Now it’s my job to teach students everything I’ve learned from my 20+ years of experience trading penny stocks. I’ve made over $7.5 in profits over my career, and I share all my trades publicly to help other traders learn.

I’ve also made thousands of video lessons and I give weekly live trading and Q&A webinars for Trading Challenge students, Plus, students get access to archived webinars and a community of traders and experts in my Challenge chat room.

Takashi’s journey can serve as inspiration for other traders and investors, showing what’s possible with the right strategies and mindset. But it’s up to you to learn these lessons yourself.

I have 31 millionaire students and all of them have come from my Trading Challenge online course. If you want to learn the combination of patterns and strategies I use — apply today.

Do you aim for small gains like me, or try to rack up big wins like Takashi Kotegawa? Let me know in the comments … I love to hear from my readers!


Did Online Games Influence Takashi Kotegawa’s Trading Style?

Takashi Kotegawa has often drawn parallels between games and day trading. While not specifically confirmed, it’s interesting to consider how browser-based strategy games might influence his approach to trading. Some even liken his trading strategies to the complex dynamics found in online games.

What Role Does Japanese Culture Play in His Life?

Takashi Kotegawa is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. While he is best known for his prowess in trading Nikkei 225 stocks, he also has a fondness for anime and manga. Some speculate that elements of kawaii and even cosplay might have influenced his personal style, but this is more in the realm of fan theories.

How Is Takashi Kotegawa Covered in Media and Influencer Circles?

Though a private individual, Takashi Kotegawa has garnered attention from various media platforms. Photography and beauty blogs have analyzed his few public appearances, dissecting his lifestyle choices and fashion. Moreover, foodie bloggers have shown interest in his dietary habits.

Does Kotegawa Engage in Social Media Platforms?

Though not a blogger or youtuber himself, Takashi Kotegawa’s story is often covered by vloggers and influencers interested in day trading and investment strategies. These vlogs are available in both Japanese and English, catering to a broader audience.

Are There Any Personal Interests That Shaped Kotegawa’s Trading Style?

Not much is known about Takashi Kotegawa’s personal interests outside of trading. However, his rare interviews are mostly conducted in English, signaling a likely comfort or interest in the language. His knack for identifying the right ‘bell’ or market signals also indicates a strategic mindset, which could be influenced by interests in travel or music, though this is largely speculative.

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million (2024)


The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million? ›

The Day Trader Who Turned $13,600 Into $153 Million... Japan's famed 'bedroom' trader Takashi Kotegawa is one of its most famous intra-day traders. In the early 2000s, he made a fortune from trading stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Tokyo Stock Exchange
The Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所, Tōkyō Shōken Torihikijo), abbreviated as Tosho (東証) or TSE/TYO, is a stock exchange located in Tokyo, Japan. › wiki › Tokyo_Stock_Exchange
. In about eight years, he grew a small account of roughly $13,600 to $153 million!

How did Takashi Kotegawa make his money? ›

Takashi Kotegawa's most legendary deal

Kotegawa capitalized on a mispricing opportunity, executing a series of buys and sells that netted him an extraordinary profit in a matter of days. Kotegawa's series of calculated trades ultimately resulted in a profit of over $1 million in a single day.

Is Takashi Kotegawa real? ›

Takashi Kotegawa (aka BNF/J-Com man) is one of Japan's most famous day traders. He's also one of the most famous traders in the business.

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Allegedly, he would buy stocks that were at least 20% below the 25-day moving average and then profit from the short-term growth of the stock. He then closed the trades during the same session, or held part of the position overnight.

Who is the number one day trader in the world? ›

1. George Soros. George Soros, aka "the man who broke the Bank of England," was born a Jew in Hungary in 1930, survived the Holocaust, and fled the country then. He is one of the most popular and famous traders worldwide.

Is Takashi Kotegawa a billionaire? ›

Takashi Kotegawa: Japanese trader turned $13,000 into $153 Million in just 8 Years, trading stocks from his bedroom. 2. George Soros: He's often called the "King of Forex Trading" or "The Man who broke the Bank of England". He made $1 Billion in a single-day trade.

Has anyone gotten rich from forex? ›

One of the most famous examples of a forex trader who has gotten rich is George Soros. In 1992, he famously made a short position on the pound sterling, which earned him over $1 billion. Another example is Michael Marcus, also known as the Wizard of Odd.

Is day trading for real? ›

Day traders are professional investors who make a living by trading stocks and other assets. Thanks to an intense level of discipline and deep knowledge of market trends, they aim to profit from the minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour churn of the stock market.

How old is BNF trader? ›

Also known in the Japanese trading community by his chatroom username “BNF” and often nicknamed as“J-Com man”, Takashi Kotegawa was born on March 5, 1978, in Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan. He reportedly started trading stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the bear market of 2001.

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Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
OccupationsInvestor Stock trader
SpouseRekha Jhunjhunwala ​ ( m. 1987)​
AwardsPadma Shri (2023; posthumously)
5 more rows

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Rakesh Jhunjhunwala - Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, often known as "The Big Bull," is a well-known and successful Indian stock market investor. He has acquired a fortune through intraday trading and investing, and he is an inspiration to all those who wish to thrive in the Indian stock market.

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Indiatimes | Japan's famed 'bedroom' trader Takashi Kotegawa is one of its most famous intra day traders,who made a fortune from trading stocks ...

What is the Japanese trading strategy? ›

The Heikin-Ashi technique is a Japanese candlestick-based technical trading tool that uses candlestick charts to represent and visualize market price data. It is used to identify market trend signals and forecast price movements. The Heikin-Ashi method uses average price data that helps to filter out market noise.

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The top billionaire day traders, like Jim Simmons, Ken Griffin, and George Soros, have different ways of trading, but they all use a mix of technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and risk management to make their choices.

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Top 10 Most Successful FOREX Traders in the World
  1. George Soros. George Soros, often referred to as the «Man Who Broke the Bank of England», is an iconic figure in the world of forex trading. ...
  2. Paul Tudor Jones. ...
  3. Bill Lipschutz. ...
  4. Stanley Druckenmiller. ...
  5. Michael Marcus.

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Some people day-trade without sufficient knowledge. But there are day traders who make a successful living despite—or perhaps because of—the risks. Many professional money managers and financial advisors shy away from day trading.

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Day traders try to make money by exploiting minute price movements in individual assets (stocks, currencies, futures, and options). They usually leverage large amounts of capital to do so.

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Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
EducationChartered Accountant
Alma materSydenham College of Commerce and Economics The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
OccupationsInvestor Stock trader
SpouseRekha Jhunjhunwala ​ ( m. 1987)​
5 more rows

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Many people have made millions just by day trading. Some examples are Ross Cameron, Brett N. Steenbarger, etc. But the important thing about day trading is that only a few can make money out of day trading and the rest end up losing their entire capital in day trading.

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The Various Markets Traders Can Make Money In

You've probably heard about the stock market, the option market, the forex market, the crypto market, the futures market, or the commodities market. Each market offers various financial instruments traders can buy and sell to profit from a change in price.

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